SCDP Stands Unequivocally Opposed To Poll Taxes
WHEREAS at the October 6th, 2023 meeting of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee (RBC), it was revealed that the Alabama Democratic Party required a fee for their SDEC members to participate and vote on party business; and
WHEREAS making the payment of a fee a requirement to vote is tantamount to a poll tax, and this was recognized by members of the DNC RBC; and
WHEREAS as part of the ongoing resolution of the Alabama Democratic Party grievance, the RBC adopted, and the DNC finally passed, a resolution requiring the Alabama Democratic Party to abolish their poll tax; and
WHEREAS during the RBC discussion, it was revealed that other State Parties might have instituted poll taxes as well, and that a national rules and bylaws revision at a future RBC meeting will be necessary to ban these barriers to democratic participation; and
WHEREAS poll taxes are fundamentally undemocratic and out of step with our Democratic Party values of grassroots participation, unfettered access to the ballot box, and transparency; THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED that the Smith County Democratic Party stands unequivocally opposed to poll taxes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Smith County Democratic Party urges the DNC to revise the DNC Rules and Bylaws to ban the use of poll taxes by any state party.
Resolution Approved By CEC, November 2023