The name of this Club shall be the Democratic Club of Smith County (hereinafter referred to as “Club”), a general political action committee (GPAC) governed by the rules set forth by the Texas Ethics Commission.
Section 1. Purpose
The Democratic Club of Smith County is devoted to:
(a) Increasing the efficiency of government,
(b) Stimulating an active interest in governmental affairs,
(c) Perpetuating the ideas and principles of the Democratic Party,
(d) Attracting new members to the Democratic Party,
(e) Helping educate voters and potential voters about issues and candidates, and
(f) Promoting the highest degree of governmental response to public needs.
Section 2. Nondiscrimination
The Democratic Club of Smith County shall not discriminate on the basis of any factor unrelated to membership and the mission of the Democratic Club of Smith County.
Section 3. Civility
The Club supports the free and open exchange of ideas. All meetings shall be free of any incidents that create a hostile environment.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section 1. This Club shall serve the Smith County, Texas, area. Members residing outside the county are welcome; however, officers must be Smith County residents. Members outside the county can vote and serve on committees.
Section 2. To qualify for regular membership, a person must be of voting age and subscribe to Article II, abide by the Bylaws, and pay annual dues.
Section 3. To qualify for junior membership, a person must be less than voting age and subscribe to Article II, abide by the Bylaws, and pay annual dues.
Section 4. Chapters may apply for a charter with the Democratic Club of Smith County, following the policies outlined in the Club's policies and procedures manual.
Section 1. The annual dues of the Club shall be determined by the Finance Committee.
Section 2. No person shall hold office, serve on a committee, vote, or be considered a member in good standing unless annual dues have been paid.
ARTICLE V: Officers
Section 1. Officers are a key component to the success of the Club and are an important part of the leadership team. Officers represent their group both during a meeting as well as outside of meetings when interfacing with the general public. Officers have duties to fulfill in support of the members of the club. Filling an officer role does not mean doing the job alone; it means being responsible to see that the job gets done. The officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Director. The term of each office is two years. The officers shall serve until their successors are elected and installed unless the office is declared vacant. Outgoing officers shall assist in the transfer of duties, including filing all required reports.
Club officers and the Immediate Past Club President shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Club, which shall meet monthly or at the discretion of the President.
Each officer shall
Promote member participation;
Work to maintain the positive image of the Club for all guests, members, and the general public;
Attend Officers' onboarding and trainings, including Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised;
Participate in the Club's Strategic Plan;
Attend Club executive officer meetings;
Attend Club meetings regularly;
Maintain familiarity with the Club bylaws, policies and procedures, and important dates, and deadlines;
Participate with press releases, publicity campaigns, community outreach, voter registration, Letters to the Editor, resolutions, and events that address local, state and national social and political issues.
Section 2. The President shall oversee the general supervision and operation of the Club. The President serves as the Club’s representative at public events and local and statewide Democratic meetings, including speaking on behalf of the Club in interviews and press conferences.
The President shall
Develop the agenda and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Club;
Enforce the bylaws and other governing documents;
Appoint chairs from the membership for the standing committees except the Finance Committee and the Nominating Committee
Appoint temporary chairs for the Finance and Nominating;
Appoint ad hoc committees as needed;
Set, monitor, and report Club goals and progress with timelines;
Develop relationships with media organizations and important community influencers;
Work to create and maintain a positive public image for Club;
Issue press releases as needed;
Provide leadership training;
Delegate other tasks as necessary.
The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees of the Club. The President and one other officer shall be in possession of the Club post office box keys. The President and Secretary shall keep updated copies of the Policies and Procedures Manual which shall include all bank account information, including account numbers, all virtual addresses, logins, and passwords for all Club activities: ActBlue or other online fundraising software, Texas Ethics Commission, email, website, all social media platforms, etc., and the U.S. Post Office box number and location.
The President, Treasurer, and one other officer shall be authorized to perform banking transactions.
Section 3. The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of the President's duties and shall assume those duties in the absence of the President. Other duties may be assigned by the President as needed.
The Vice President shall
Learn and assist with the president’s duties and fill in as necessary;
Plan and direct programs to retain and increase club membership, including encouraging sustaining memberships and maintaining individual member records;
Report membership status at Executive meetings and Club business meetings;
Welcome new members and guests and present new members to Club;
Make sure membership forms are available at all public events;
Oversee the Club’s endorsement process and support the President in fostering and maintaining relationships with elected officials and other political organizations;
Serve as one of the Club’s representatives at public events and local and statewide Democratic meetings, including speaking on behalf of the Club in interviews and press conferences;
Develop relationships with media organizations and important community influencers;
Work to create and maintain a positive public image for the Club;
Develop and direct programs that educate members and the general public about the Club and increase awareness about the Club and Club activities;
Assist the Club in completing high-impact activities.
Section 4. The Secretary shall be responsible for Club records and correspondence. The Secretary has custody of the records and documents of the club, and keeps the documents available and up-to-date including, but not limited to, the minutes, committee reports, policies and procedures, and bylaws, including all amendments.
The Secretary shall
Take attendance, verify attendance and quorum, and prepare minutes at the Club's regular meetings;
Take attendance, verify quorum, and Prepare minutes at the Club's Officer meetings;
Maintain records of the Club’s general correspondence;
Maintain (and update) a current roster of members in good standing;
Maintain (and update) a roster of officers and other committee chairs with current address, including email, and telephone information; Distribute this roster to officers and committee chairs;
Collect and Maintain reports from committee chairs;
Maintain all important files for the club;
Monitor and perform necessary action on the Club email account;
Organize and monitor the club calendar;
Send notice of Club meetings;
Inform officers of deadlines for reports, mailings, and future commitments;
Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.
At the expiration of the office, whether by resignation, removal, or term expiration, the Secretary shall relinquish all records, information and materials including but not limited to club files, documents, papers, and any club property, to the Executive Committee. Then, the Executive Committee passes them to the incoming Secretary.
Section 5. All Club financial accounts are the responsibility of the office of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall
Collect dues and disburse funds as authorized;
Maintain and supervise club bank accounts and ensure that funds are secure;
Ensure that there is more than one signatory on all bank accounts;
Follow best bookkeeping practices;
File required financial reports with the Texas Ethics Commission, and other reports as needed;
Provide Officers with copies of the required financial reports filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, and other entities;
Report the club treasury status at each executive meeting and Club business meeting;
Chair the Finance Committee;
Organize (along with the Finance Committee) and monitor the club budget;
Make financial reports to the Club at least quarterly;
Alert the Officers of upcoming events with details
At the expiration of the office, whether by resignation, removal, or term expiration, the Treasurer shall relinquish all financial records, information, and materials including but not limited to books, papers, vouchers, and any property belonging to the Club, to the Executive Committee. Then, the Executive Committee passes them to the incoming Treasurer.
Section 6. The Communications Director maintains technology to facilitate internal and external communications.
The Communications Director shall:
Develop and publicize club activities through email, social media (including creating events), the club website, texting, phone calls, and physically distributing notices;
Work closely with the Secretary to maintain records of correspondence;
Assist with tasks expected of the host of the Club meetings (set out materials; greet guests and members; have guests use name tags, sign guest book
Oversee Information Technology (IT) to find ways to use technology to improve the Club's operations (e.g., communications and outreach);
Develop and maintain Club website and social media sites (including creating content that supports the Club's activities and goals, as well as rapid response messaging in response to political events);
Establish standards for data collection and data privacy as well as overseeing protocols to ensure security of Club data;
Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.
Section 7. The Immediate Past President shall:
Organize and provide onboarding to the new president and officers, including the efficient and complete transference of all Club documents, accounts, logins, passwords, and other essential information;
Act as advisor to Club officers;
Attend Club meetings and events and encourage others to attend also;
A majority vote of the Executive Committee membership may remove the Immediate Past President from the Executive Committee.
Section 8. Sergeant at Arms
The Sergeant at Arms handles meeting facilities and decorum. The Sergeant at Arms maintains order in a diplomatic manner and as unobtrusively as possible.
The Sergeant at Arms is appointed by the President and may be more than one person.
The Sergeant at Arms shall:
Arrange the meeting room and equipment for each general Club meeting;
Maintain Club equipment and property, including audio, banners, nametags, and supplies;
Collect ballots and tally votes;
Help members pay attention to the president’s gavel;
Keep track of time and remind the President when a topic’s time has been exceeded, the conversation has gone off-course, or perhaps should be sent to committee for further discussion;
Kindly but firmly insist, inform, and educate to ensure parliamentary procedure, Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, is followed;
At the end of the meeting, ensure equipment and supplies are properly stored and secured.
Section 1. An election of officers shall be held at the annual business meeting following the General Election in even years. A proposed slate prepared by the Nominating Committee shall be sent to all members of record at least thirty (30) days prior to the election. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.
Section 2. The Club’s membership roster shall be updated and finalized thirty (30) days prior to the election. 25% of members in good standing must be present to constitute a quorum.
Section 3. Officers' Term shall begin January 1 of the next calendar year.
Section 4. Voting shall be in person. If a member is hospitalized or incapacitated, the officers may vote to allow an emergency vote option, such as a virtual ballot. Elections may employ instant runoff voting methodologies.
Section 5. The Bylaws of this Club may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members in good standing at a meeting in which quorum is met.
Section 1. General membership meetings shall be held monthly as set by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. A business meeting shall be held at least annually as set by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. The Officers may call special meetings of the general membership as they deem necessary, preceded by at least a two (2) week notice.
Section 4. The Executive Committee or other committees may meet via telephone conference, video conference or electronic web platform. All members participating in
such committee meetings shall be counted toward the meeting quorum.
Section 5. Communications Notice
For the purposes of this Club, notices to members shall be sent through electronic means, US Postal Service, or other means as necessary.
ARTICLE VIII: Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees shall be as follows: Program, Finance, Membership, Communications, Campaign, and Nominating. Except for the Finance Committee and the Nominating Committee, the President shall appoint chairs of each standing committee from the membership.
Additional committees may include: Fundraising, Public Relations, Phone Banking/Calling, Voter Registration, Community Events, and Audio/Video.
Section 2. All standing committees shall meet regularly, with the exception of the Nominating Committee and other non-standing committees that shall meet on an ad hoc basis.
Section 3. The Program Committee shall plan and secure programs for regular meetings of the Club. The committee shall also develop the programs for social and special activities.
Section 4. The Finance Committee shall recommend to the Officers plans for fundraising for the fiscal year. The committee is also responsible for developing the Annual Budget. The Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall maintain the Records of Finances (Bank statements, receipts, reconciliation reports), Financial Statements, and copies of the Texas Ethics Commission reports.
Section 5. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for recruiting new members and retaining existing members.
Section 6. The Communications Committee shall be responsible for both internal and external communications through email, texts, phone calls, social media posts and by distributing physical notices.
Section 7. The Campaign Activities Committee shall be a standing committee responsible for campaign volunteer efforts such as phone banking, block walking, distributing yard signs, electioneering, and supporting local and statewide candidates.
Section 8. The Nominating Committee shall be elected at the Club meeting immediately following the March primary in even years. This committee shall consist of three (3) persons elected by Club members from the floor and two (2) persons elected by the Executive Committee. The committee shall choose their own chair. The Nominating Committee is responsible for selecting a slate of officers, which shall be sent to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the election.
ARTICLE IX: Vacancies
Section 1. The Officers must declare an office vacant because of illness, death, moving out of Smith County, resignation, failure to perform duties, or failure to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings.
Section 2. An officer may be censured or removed for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Executive Committee. Cause for censure or removal may include, but is not limited to, a violation of this Club’s Bylaws or the Statement of Principles of the Texas Democratic Party, negligence, criminal misconduct, or harassment
Section 3. A successor to fill a vacancy shall be elected as soon as possible by a majority of members at the next regular scheduled meeting, but no later than two (2) meetings after the vacancy occurs.
ARTICLE X: Public Statements
Section 1. The Club shall not issue an endorsement of any individual candidate for nomination in the Democratic Party Primary unless the race is uncontested.
Section 2. In any other election, the Club may endorse candidates for election and/or appointment to public position. Such endorsements require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members in good standing, present, and voting at a regular or special meeting.
Section 3. Only the President or the Communications Director shall make public statements in the name of the Club. The President may delegate these duties on an ad hoc basis.
Section 1. No expenditure shall be paid without a receipt or documentation.
Section 2. Excluding items approved in the Annual Budget, any expenditure over two hundred dollars ($200.00) requires two (2) signatures, and any expenditure over seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) requires approval by the members at the next general meeting. In an emergency, the Executive Committee may approve expenditures but those expenditures shall be ratified by the Club members at the next regular scheduled meeting.
Section 3. This Club shall operate on a fiscal year of January 1 – December 31.
Section 4. The Finance Committee shall present at each quarter three financial statements: Income Statement (P&L), Cash Flow Statement, and Balance Sheet to the Executive Committee for approval. These year-to-date statements shall be presented to the membership at the annual business meeting and endorsed by the membership by a simple majority vote of members present and in good standing.
The Finance Committee shall present in October of each year an Annual Budget for the following year to the Executive Committee for approval. This budget shall be presented to the membership at the annual business meeting and endorsed by the membership by a simple majority vote of members present and in good standing.
Section 5. Should this Club be dissolved, all funds remaining in the treasury after all expenses have been satisfied shall revert to the Smith County Democratic Party.
ARTICLE XII: Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, shall govern the Club in all cases where they are applicable. In all cases, the Elections Code of the State of Texas shall supersede any rules or bylaws contained within this document, and in no event shall Bylaws be enacted or enforced which conflict with the aforementioned Elections Code of the State of Texas.
ARTICLE XIII: Emergency Procedures
This section becomes operable upon a vote conducted in person, virtually, or by telephonic call of members of the Democratic Club of Smith County. In the event that a natural disaster, public health emergency, or other public emergency, or orders by authorities resulting from such events, significantly inhibits or prohibits the conduct of any procedures, actions, meetings or events required under the bylaws, the President authorizes alternate actions or activities and shall notify officers by email, text, telephone, or other means. When emergency rules are adopted they shall take precedence over any other rule of the bylaws.
ARTICLE XIV: Bylaws Availability
Bylaws shall be available on the website and at each regular meeting.
These Bylaws were recommended by the Executive Committee, submitted to the Membership with appropriate notice, and approved by vote on May 9, 2023.
Democratic Club of Smith County Calendar of Events and Due Dates
Date/Time Frame
January 1 following officer elections
New Club officers’ terms begin. Outgoing officers turn over Club checkbook, records, keys, and all other important information to the new officers.
March 1 following officer elections
Committee Chairs appointed. A strategic plan for the Club, featuring goals and objectives, is written by the Executive Committee and presented to the membership at the next general meeting.
General Club meeting immediately following the March Democratic Party Primary (even years)
Nominating Committee is elected
October (annual)
Finance Committee presents the following year’s Annual Budget to the Executive Committee for approval
30 days prior to officer elections (even years)
The membership list is updated and finalized. Nominating Committee sends slate of potential officers to all members of record.
Annual business meeting following General Election (even years)
Officer elections, approval of annual budget
The Texas Democratic Party Hereby Adopts The Following Statement of Principles As The Foundation For Party Activities At All Levels:
We believe that the Democratic Party, with its great diversity, its flexibility of organization, its historic adaptability to fruitful change, and its instinctive responsiveness to human needs and aspirations, can provide the leadership required in these challenging times. We further believe:
1. That we must join together with a renewed faith in our country, in our state, and in our Party to provide our people with responsive, responsible government;
2. That government functions best when it is closest to the people;
3. That our government is and should be of laws and not of favoritism or of arbitrary caprice, and therefore we condemn any resolution of conflicts, save through legal processes;
4. That the Texas Democratic Party stands for law and order, for total and unceasing war against crime, for strengthening law enforcement agencies, and for justice under law;
5. That all citizens, no matter what their religion or race or how humble or exalted their origin or station, have the duty to participate fully at every level of government and are entitled to an equal voice and to equal treatment at its hands;
6. That all Democrats are bound to defend, to protect, and to honor our nation, our state, and our Party, and that when they are right, it is our privilege to sustain them, but when they err, it is our duty to correct them; and
7. That, as Democrats, we are proud and upright citizens of the United States, that we are determined not only to serve our country, but also to stand shoulder to shoulder with citizens of other states in providing meaningful, responsible, and constructive leadership for our great nation.
8. That the Democratic Party stands against sexual harassment and abuse within its ranks.
9. That retaliation, in any form, express or implied, against any person who reports sexual harassment or abuse within the Democratic Party ranks is not tolerated.
10. That the Texas Democratic Party should endeavor to raise all funds for its operations and campaigns from entities and individuals who are aligned with the platform and values of the Party.